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Why do I have to put my company name on MY listing posts!!

For those who occasionally get a ‘friendly reminder’ from me regarding your posts on facebook or twitter that are real estate property related or real estate services related…this blog is for you!  The main reason I decided to blog it is that I am tired of writing it repeatedly…so now it will be forever a […]

Safety Issues with Internet Policies, REALLY????

The recent murder of Ashley Oakland in West Des Moines, Iowa has really re-enforced my belief in how social media policies need to include rules/suggestions on the use of ‘locator’ software such as Foursquare.  Though in the case of Ashley, there isn’t the suggestion that it had anything to do with her murder, that may […]

Oh My! The ‘internet police’ are watching!

I was recently teaching the “When Article 12 and Web 2.0 class” in Minneapolis.  It was interesting to find that the Department of Commerce that monitors the behavior of licensees in MN have hired 3 additional full time employees to monitor the behavior of real estate agents on line!  What is also interesting is that […]

What’s In Your Social Media Policy?

People thinks that is a funny question! When I ask “why”….the response always is “Well if I HAD a Social Media Policy then I could tell you what’s in it!”  I get the same response when it comes to “What’s in Your Internet Policy?” So we combined the 2 problems into one policy and procedures […]