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Expert Witness

As a trainer of real estate law Marcie has been called upon for expert witness work.  Often times because of her in depth knowledge and the ability to recognize issues quickly, these cases don’t go to trial and are settled or dismissed.  However, when there is a trial, Marcie’s testimony is right on and her ability to connect with the jury is a main component to the success of the cases.  Her naturally curious and investigatory mind is a benefit to any trial lawyer working with her, because she will go down paths they had not yet considered.

One of her testimonies was recorded since she could not be in the courtroom the day the had rescheduled and the testimony has been used repeatedly by Pearl Insurance as a training video for other expert witnesses.

Marcie is also a consultant and adviser on Professional Standards hearings.  Recently a change was made in the representation at those hearings and so today a REALTOR® or a client can take a ‘consultant of expertise’ to the hearing instead of an attorney.  As a REALTOR® of long standing Marcie truly has a pulse on how things ‘come down’ and is able to articulate the case for the party she represents!


Expert Witness Testimonials

James S. Hill
Zuger Kirmis & Smith – Counselors and Attorneys

“I had the great fortune to find Marcie Roggow and asked for her assitance in addressing these very specific allegations. She was the last witness that we put on the witness stand and the jury exit interviews confirmed what I knew. Ms. Roggow had a very strong and logical grasp of realtor ethics. She appeared to the jury as a seasoned veteran with strong command of the facts and her testimony was such that it appealed to the jury as logical, straigh forward, and unimpeachable. I have no doubts that her testimony and her manner of presentaion had significant impact on the jury’s return of a verdict in favor of the CCIM realtor in the case. ”

Murray Ogborn
Ogborn, Summerlin  & Ogborn, LLC
1700 Broadway Suite 1900
Denver Colorado   80290
(303) 861-7472

We just completed a punitive damages hearing in another state and called a real estate expert on ethical, industry standard statutory and regulatory issues. Marcie Roggow,, was an excellent witness. Her testimony was crisp, persuasive and impactive. Ms. Roggow teaches continuing education classes to real estate brokers and agents across the country, has published and is engaged in the real estate business. If anyone is looking for such an expert, I highly recommend Ms. Roggow. If more information is needed, please call me.