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Insights: Connecting with the Multicultural Clients – 6 hours

Why pay attention to the new immigrant/multi-cultural clients? Why not just refer them to agents who are of the same nationality as the buyer or seller? The answer is easy…within years you will be out of business and it’s against the law to discriminate! Most agents tell us that they are afraid they will not be able to serve the needs of the buyers and sellers that they don’t understand…and who may not understand the home buying/selling process in the United States.

There have been many courses developed to aid the agents understand the different cultures. This course concentrates on behavior styles and communication of all cultures-including yours. The cultural value of each person guides his or her behavior. The key to understanding other cultures comes in understanding their values. Cultural Values Assessments, Comparisons, Definitions will be covered in detail. A test to access your task/relationship values will lead you to understand the power distance and communication context. After this course, you’ll clearly be able to adapt and connect with your multicultural clients.

Click here to download the flyer: InsightsConnectingwithMulticulturalClients