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Marcie’s Morning Muses

Welcome to the NEW!

How can it be February already?  Goodness the time is flying by way too fast!  My thoughts for this morning revolve around time...and how fast time does move.  There are, of course, several wonderful … [Take me to the rest...]

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Brokers University

Broker Univ

Welcome to Broker’s University!  I am excited to offer our clients the opportunity to create a venue of classes just for Broker Owner/Managers/Team Owners.  So many classes today are geared just for the agents and unless Brokers take the CRB series of courses Brokers find that their educational … [Read More...]

Designation Courses


Accelerate Your Skill Level with A Designation Course! The NAR Statistics continually show that the REALTORS® who obtain designations are more proficient and typically earn more money than those without a designation.   The NAR offers many designation programs.  My concentration is in the Brokerage … [Read More...]

Best Real Estate Trainer

Best RE

Best Real Estate Trainers is a new service that I am providing.  Often times people ask me to speak on a topic that I don’t have the expertise to present, but I do know JUST THE RIGHT person for you. Each of the topics below have a trainer with the expertise to deliver the material for you.  We are a cooperative with only one goal and that is to … [Read More...]



Everything is online but various rules and regulations govern the online cyberactivity of real estate professionals.  Policies are in constant flux. As the Internet changes, so do the policies. Now, with social networking, online activity has become even more complex.  This blog will keep you … [Read More...]

What’s In It For You?


Read the testimonials and reviews of the folks who have taken Marcie’s courses. From the big city associations to small towns in America, they all say the same thing – what you hear about Marcie is what you get – a true down-to-earth professional who inspires others with her wit, knowledge and … [Read More...]

Customized Courses and Consulting


One size does not fit all! That’s why I offer specifically designed courses for your company or association. With the ever changing landscape of Ethics and MLS policies you might want to consider a course on IDX feeds and does the Broker and their … [Read More...]